South Greenland

Village of Qassiarsuk (Brattahlid)
This charming and beautiful farming village in South Greenland was home to Erik the Red and his son Leif Eriksson!
Qassiarsuk is located at the head of Tunulliarfik, at the exact place where Erik the Red settled when he discovered this green land in 982, 500 years before Christopher Columbus happened on the Americas.
Today, it is a thriving farming village, just as it was over 1,000 years ago when Erik the Red settled here.
You can visit the replica of Erik the Red’s longhouse and his wife Thorhildur’s church. Both reconstructions were built in 2000 to mark the 1000th anniversary of Leif Eriksson’s discovery of America and the introduction of Christianity in Greenland. At the same time, in 2000, a reconstruction of a traditional Inuit peat house was built.
Qassiarsuk is set in beautiful, green countryside with red dirt roads. The red dust swirls beautifully as the locals drive by on three-wheeled Hondas.
Main photo: Mads Pihl - Visit Greenland. Other photos: Vildmarskliv, Ruthn Gundahl Madsen, Jesper Kunuk Egede, Tom Nørregaard Jensen