

Kalaalimineerniarfik, Narsaq

Kalaalimineerniarfik, Narsaq

The local hunters, fishers, and gatherers sell their products here. Unusually, even vegetarians can shop here!

The local hunters, fishers, and gatherers sell their products here. Unusually, even vegetarians can shop here!

Like any self-respecting town in Greenland, Narsaq has a Kalaalimineerniarfik where meats, fish, and local produce are sold.

Kalaaliaraq, or Brættet in Danish, is the local meat market that you find in all towns in Greenland. However, in South Greenland they are called Kalaalimineerniarfik

However, Kalaalimineerniarfik in Narsaq is unique because it often offers farm products, too.